Gangaram Gurung – Encounters of an Indian in Europe (1914–1918)
Thu, Oct 6, 2016, 7 pm
The artist Sonya Schönberger (Berlin) and the South-East Asia scientist Heike Liebau (Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin) will discuss a mutual historical search for traces. At the center are four years from the life of the Indian Gangaram Gurung: his time in a German prison of war during the First World War. What happens when the few transferred historical facts are artistically interpreted and newly ordered? Which experiences did the artist and scientist have? Which questions, feelings, and associations does the result provoke?
The cultural scientist Irene Hilden will chair the discussion. Since October 2015, she has been maintaining the collection of the sound archive at the Berlin Humboldt-University, and is a doctoral candidate at the graduate college Minor Cosmopolitanisms at Potsdam University.
(in German – English translation on request)