Digging Deep, Crossing Far_ 3rd Encounter: Berlin further extended the exhibition to fifteen artistic positions that were accompanied by a program of events.
As the capital of the German Empire at the time of the First World War, Berlin was the political center of Germany. Here, too, the intelligence services for the Orient were located within the Foreign Office from where the German jihad strategy was conceived and coordinated. Barely 30 kilometers away, to the south of Berlin, lay in Zossen the camp Weinberglager, and in Wünsdorf the Halbmondlager (Halfmoon Camp) for non-European prisoners of war – the lesser known moments in our history that contribute to artistic discourse in digging deep, crossing far.
Digging Deep, Crossing Far_ 3rd Encounter: Berlin was shown from September 10 to November 13, 2016, in the arts space Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien.
Download the exhibition booklet here
Bani Abidi, Ayisha Abraham, Gilles Aubry, Jamil Baloch, Sarnath Banerjee, Nathalie Anguezomo Mba Bikoro & Anaïs Héraud-Louisadat, Nick Crowe & Ian Rawlinson, Ayaz Jokhio, Amina Menia, Judith Raum, Muzzumil Ruheel, Sonya Schönberger, Surekha, Risham Syed and The Tentative Collective

The only “Moscheestraße” (mosque street) in Germany can be found in Wünsdorf. It is the only lasting visible memory of the first mosque built in Germany, in the Halfmoon Camp 1915. Photo: Khaled Al-Boushi
7 pm
with Jana Borkamp, Bezirksstadträtin für Kultur
3 pm and 9 pm
Performance by Nathalie Anguezomo Mba Bikoro (Berlin, Gabon and France) and Anaïs Héraud-Louisadat (Berlin and France)
(in English and German)
5.30 pm
Anandita Bajpai (Zentrum Moderner Orient), The Tentative Collective (Karachi) and Gilles Aubry (Berlin) talk about working with the recordings in the Berlin Lautarchiv
Moderation: Marcus Gammel (Deutschlandradio Kultur)
(in English)
7 pm
Lecture Performance by Amina Menia (Algiers) about the Monument to the Dead
(in English)
5 pm
with the artists and the curators
(in English)
7 pm
Vedica Kant (Delhi) about her recent publication and research in conversation with Sarnath Banerjee (Berlin/Delhi)
(in English)
7 pm
with Judith Raum (Berlin) about the ‘German Jihad’ during WWI
(in German)
5 pm
(in German)
7 pm
Heike Liebau (Zentrum Moderner Orient) and Sonya Schönberger (Berlin) in conversation
Moderation: Irene Hilden (Lautarchiv, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
(in German and English)
5 pm
Screening: Film by Philip Scheffner, 2007, 87’ (OV with English subtitles)
7 pm
Britta Lange (Humboldt Universität Berlin) presents her recent CD- and book-project about sound recordings with priosoners of war during WWI
(in German)
5 pm
(in German)
7 pm
Judith Raum (Berlin), Alexander Flores (Bremen), Susan Pollock (Berlin), and Reinhard Bernbeck (Berlin) talk about Middle East politics during WWI and its connections to our present times
(in German)